Open House Tuesday, February 25th - 9:00 -11:00 am Applications Now Being Accepted for PK - Grade 7 ADMISSIONS
Since technology is continually evolving, Aquinas Academy reserves the right to change, update, and edit its technology policies at any time in order to continually protect the safety and well-being of our students and community. To this end, Aquinas Academy may add additional rules, restrictions, and guidelines at any time. Notice of changes to the technology policy will be provided to users in a timely manner.
Students registering for fourth grade through eighth grade are required to purchase a Chromebook. Chromebooks may be purchased from a source of the family’s choosing. The Chromebook Classroom Management Operating System must be installed by the Technology Department and will be monitored by software when the student is on school property.
The use of all technologies, including Aquinas Academy network and its Internet connection, is limited to educational purposes ONLY. Educational purposes include classroom activities, project research, communication with experts, communication with peers, and homework. Commercial and recreational use of School technology resources is prohibited. Students must adhere to all copyright, trademark, and patent laws; any student that violates these laws is subject to disciplinary action.
Aquinas Academy reserves the right to monitor and track all behaviors and interactions that take place online or through the use of technology on our property or at our events. We also reserve the right to investigate any reports of inappropriate actions related to any technology used at School or related to persons with an affiliation to Aquinas Academy.
Students may only access their school account on their device while on campus, including Before School, the School day, After School, and School sponsored events and activities. Students may not access personal accounts while on campus or attending a school sponsored event and will face disciplinary action if they do so.Students will also have the ability to access their school accounts when not on campus..
Students may not play unauthorized games, visit social networking websites, take unauthorized photos,or send instant messages or emails unrelated to the educational purposes stated above without permission and supervision of a teacher or school administrator on campus, including Before Care, the entirety of the Aquinas Academy day, After Care, and sport/club activities. Aquinas Academy is not responsible for any damages, injuries, and claims resulting from violations of responsible use of technology.
Students are not permitted to have a personal phone or smartwatch on their person during the school day. Students who need to bring such a device to school will be required to turn the device into the homeroom teacher each morning, and retrieve it from the teacher each afternoon. Failure to follow this rule will result in disciplinary action and may include the inability to bring a phone or smartwatch on to campus.
Technology is a finite, shared resource offered by Aquinas Academy to its students. We expect students to act responsibly and thoughtfully and to be good digital citizens when it comes to using technology. Students bear the burden of responsibility to ask their teacher or other administrators when they are unsure of the permissibility of a particular use of technology prior to engaging in the use.
No policy can detail all possible examples of unacceptable behavior related to technology use. All students are expected to be good digital citizens and to use their best judgment when it comes to making decisions related to the use of all technology and the Internet. If there is an issue about which you are unsure, ask a teacher or administrator for assistance.
Students may not utilize any technology to harass, demean, humiliate, intimidate, embarrass, or annoy their classmates or others in their community. This is unacceptable student behavior and will not be tolerated. Any unacceptable behavior, on or off-campus, that is determined to substantially disrupt the safety and/or well-being of Aquinas Academy is subject to disciplinary action.
Communication by means of technology devices, between students and faculty or staff should be respectful, professional, and related to educational purposes. Communication between students and faculty or staff that occurs outside of Aquinas Academy should remain respectful, professional, and related to educational purposes.