Open Houses- Sunday, 1/26/25 - 11:45 am - 1:00 pm & Wednesday, 1/29/25 - 9:00 -11:00 am Applications Now Open ADMISSIONS
Goal: To increase independent reading, build a love of reading while motivating students with goals and reinforcement.
How: Students will complete a reading log every time they read independently at home or school.
Fundraising: Students are asked to find at least one sponsor, but multiple sponsors would be better for support for your child’s achievements and help achieve our funding goal!
The funds raised will be used to buy a book vending machine. This is an exciting, motivating, and reinforcing treat for students. Upon successes in the classroom or throughout the school, students can earn a golden coin to use in the machine to “buy” a new book.
Sponsors are asked to donate a certain amount per HOUR read. Donations will be collected at the end of every month; therefore, you may ask (a) new sponsors to support your reader every month!
Click here for the Reading Log.